This animation was made by a CalArts students who won an award in Indiana and other video festivals. It shows many smooth animation skills and the story is just as well-developed. The animation is about a little boy who plays music and shows off his animals for a penny. However, there are two other animal shows tat seem to better than his. He wins over the crowd in the end and gets a lot of pennies for his animals' food.The Process/Comparisons
This animation is a 2d animation that looks like After Effects was used quite frequently. I saw layers shift like how you would make the backgrounds shift in After Effects. Also I saw the use of frame-by-frame animation in the lip-syncing.The use of layers and smooth frames is something I would love to be able to put into my own animations. Lip-syncing as well. One thing I have already learned is how to shift the background layers to look lie they're moving in After Effects.
The creator did best at making the animation smooth and clean as well as the story. The short looks like something you'd see on a kid's cartoon channel and it's already fantastic. I think that there are some frames where it's a little bit rough, but I can't hold it against them since they did that all by themselves. Overall, this animation is well written and transferred phenomenally onto the screen. I aspire to be as talented as they are and their animation is well worth the award.Sjursen-Lien, Kiernan. "The Magnificent Menagerie of Melvin McMelanie". Web. 11 May 2017.
Video can be watched here
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