The video I chose to feature for this post was a short that Disney made about Donald Duck when his cousin comes to visit his house. In this scene, Donald's cousin, Gus, knocks on the door to his home and the ring vibrates Donald's head like a gong. Normally, this would be impossible, but with the sound affects, this seems possible, as sometimes sounds do produce enough waves to vibrate.
In this scene, Gus drinks all of the soup in the bowl shown above within a few seconds. We know this is impossible because no one can eat anything that fast, especially since he was eating it with a spoon. However, since the spoon was moving extremely fast, this action seems possible.
In this scene, Gus decides to make a sandwich with all of the bread and ham. However, he makes the sandwich shown above by shuffling the bread and ham together like cards. That would be impossible in real life because both ingredients are too floppy to do so. But in this scenario it is possible because the sound effects and the way the bread and ham move make it seem like its able to be shuffled like cards.
In this scene, Gus is knitting spaghetti into a sock with needles before slurping it up by the string. This would be impossible since spaghetti is slippery and in no way would stick together like that. Since he does it so quickly and the way he crochets it together like you would with tread, it seems completely possible.
In this last scene, Donald gets his head stuck in the mailbox after running into it. This would be impossible because no one can fit their head through a mailbox and be okay. But because of squash and stretch like principles, it is possible. And he was going at a high enough velocity to fit and remain unharmed.
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