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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tutorial For Maya

For this tutorial I’m going to show how to give your objects materials/textures in Maya and which specific ones you use for each texture you want.

First of all, to make it easier, I’d be best if your object is in object mode.

Once it is, right click and hold on top of your object. When you do that, a menu will pop up.
In that menu, continue right click holding and drag it down to an option that say “Assign New Material”. Let go of the click while on top of that option.

After you’ve opened that option, a new menu should pop up that has a list of materials. You can look around at each of the materials to see which one you want, but in case that takes up too much time, the two basic materials are Blinn and Lambert. Lambert is the default and while making objects in Maya, I wouldn’t recommend using Lambert unless it works with the object you’re making.

Once you’ve clicked on the material you want, you can then go to the attribute editor.(the box on the right side of the screen where you can control the specifics of your object)
In the attribute editor, there should be a tab at the top that says the name of whichever texture you chose and then a 1.
In that tab, you can change the color and extra texture of the material. You can customize it to whichever way you see fits with your object.

That’s it!

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