10 Words To Describe Me


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

e-Communication Final Reflection

Bri Hart   
Hour 2
e-Communication Reflection

I learned many things in e-Comm. I learned a lot about Collaboration, time management, and how to work certain technologies. I learned that web design is really hard and working photoshop is also hard to work with. Working with others is more difficult than I thought it would be. I also got a lot of late projects so I learned that I should get them in on time.

I learnt it by making lots of mistakes. I basically screwed up lots of things and learnt how to make it better. I also learned by practice and just playing around with the technology.

It is important because I am an INFP. I am normally introverted so talking with people and collaborating helps. Also I want get a degree in animation and visual arts so any practice helps.

My greatest strengths  are graphic design and animation. You can tell by my blog posts for it, like my logo and multiple of my animation projects. My weaknesses are using the apps we use for graphic design and animation. I’ve improved by learning more techniques for each strand and how to make it better. Also web design was not my forte.

I am going to take what I learned to an art college. I want to major in animation mainly so I will practice it and apply it to get in. Same with graphic design, I also think a visual arts major would be nice.

I would change some of my earlier projects. I would make the animations flow better and also make my colors in my design projects better. I also would change some of the storylines in my videos.

I think this year has been helpful in deciding what strands I want to go into. Also it has helped to see what I’m doing in the future when choosing strands. Basically I will go into graphic design and animation and hope to learn more.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Boomerang Ball- Final Project

Our team name is Slayer and our product is the Boomerang Ball. What we did best together was be able to come up with conclusions and our worst was getting stuff done on time. Next time I'll make sure to have better time management. I would make our website better, but we don't have time or else it would have been better. I have improved by being better at Graphic design and animation, along with video. I haven't improved much in web design. I helped with the website- I wrote the info for it, I made the logo and the animation.


